Career Development Services

ICOHS College helps students find and prepare for their dream career with 1-on-1 support and access to our online career portal.

Career Services Highlights

Careers Advisor Meeting Female College Student

Our Purpose

Our Career Development Services are here to help our students answer “What’s Next?”

Through our Career Portal, we assist students with resume and cover letter writing, prepare them to ace interviews, and assist them with finding placements with jobs they love. 

Our Career Services Support means our students will have access to their Career Portal and Career Services Coordinator.

Career Portal

ICOHS College students can access our online Career Portal offering support with career services such

Resume & Cover Letters
  • How to write a resume and cover letters
  • Resume and Cover Letter Templates
  • Tips on strengthening a resume with Action Verbs
  • Tips and tricks for a successful interview
  • Most common interview questions
  • Questions to ask your interviewer
  • How to schedule a mock interview with your Career Services Coordinator
Job Openings
  • List of job openings that are updated every Friday!

Find Jobs

Every Friday our Career Services Coordinator will update the Career Portal with jobs based on the different programs our students are taking. 

From entry-level positions to full-time jobs, you can find it in the Career Portal!

Self Employment

Self-employment is a common vocational objective for many students. The Student Services and Career Services Coordinators maintain contact and work closely with alumni who seek self-employment. 

NOTE: Self-employed Professional Massage Therapy graduates must sign an attestation, (no sooner than 30 days after certification), acknowledging that they are satisfied with self-employment as a massage therapist and are making training-related income.

engineer showing working data center server room PTCR38S
ICOHS College logo

Take The First Step

Request information to start a new meaningful career path and schedule to obvserve a complimentary class!​

Get Started Today

Events & Workshops

Donec pharetra neque lectus, sed varius velit ultrices non. Nam ut sapien elit. Vestibulum accumsan congue imperdiet. Sed et nisl libero. In in libero vel enim sodales auctor quis vitae eros. Etiam commodo magna consectetur est convallis placerat. Praesent euismod lectus odio, sit amet efficitur tellus aliquet nec. Proin sit amet porttitor turpis, vel eleifend nibh. Curabitur euismod purus est. 

Career Counseling

Employment rate within 6 months after graduation
0 %
Cool Number
Cool Number

Nullam auctor odio vitae tellus aliquam rutrum. Cras eu accumsan nunc. Pellentesque suscipit, nisl ac fringilla, ex, non consectetur sem arcu id sem. 

Morbi sed ipsum iaculis, mattis mauris nec, auctor leo. Nullam auctor odio vitae tellus aliquam rutrum. Cras eu accumsan nunc. Pellentesque suscipit, nisl ac maximus fringilla, tellus enim tempor ex, non consectetur sem arcu id sem. Morbi sed ipsum iaculis, mattis mauris nec, auctor leo.

engineer showing working data center server room PTCR38S
Terms & Conditions

By submitting this form, you are giving your express written consent for ICOHS College to contact you regarding our programs and services using email, telephone or text – including our use of automated technology for calls and periodic texts to any wireless number you provide. Message and data rates may apply. This consent is not required to purchase goods/services and you may always call us directly at 858-581-9460.