A Short Lesson in Aromatherapy

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What is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it’s called essential oil therapy. Aromatherapy uses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health.

Does Aromatherapy Really Work?

Aromatherapy is thought of as both an art and a science. Recently, aromatherapy has gained more recognition in the fields of science and medicine.
Today we are going to talk about some garden plants that you may already have or might be inspired to get after this blog. We will start with the elders of the garden. The first flower we have is a yellow flower together with berries from the elder tree. The tree is called mother elder and there are rumors that her spirit was either a goddess or a dryad or a wish that could heal all different kinds of things. In the past, the word witch meant either holy or knowledge or wisdom. The wise woman had a lot of healing to give to other people. The word has a different meaning today. Over time, the elder tree that grows in the canyons can now be used as medicine! The botanical name of the flower is Sambucus Mexicana. Although, other trees that are also called elder, are not suitable for any kind of healing. As a result, it is very important to know the exact botanical name, genus and species of a plant before using them for healing or essential oils. The elder is a very flexible plant. You can use its berries for is elderberry syrup and its flowers for tea. The syrup is particularly helpful for a facial wash while the tea can help with the fever.

Another interesting flower is this sage plant also known as “salvia officinalis”. “Salvia” means to save and the plant is also considered a healer with many different uses. The second part “officinalis’ refers to the plant’s medicinal use. In former times, people would go to the monk’s office to get their medicine.
The garden sage is related to the white sage which is often burned to create a sacred space in many different cultures. It has the same genus but belongs to a different species. Its botanical name is salvia alba.

Sage, once again, is used for many things. It is not only a warming herb but also a drying herb. Latter is really good for colds, flu or even a runny nose because it dries up extra flam.
Additionally, Sage is also used for wisdom, more specifically to help increase brain activity and health. You can also use Salvia Rosmarinus or rosemary. Rosmarinus stands for a rose by the sea and is also an officinalis. It has many purposes such as facial washes or as a hair product. Old indigenous people used to take long pieces of rosemary and comb their hair with it. Rosemary can also act as a vasodilator which means it widens the blood vessels which in turn increases the oxygen flow to the brain. Many tests and studies have been done to prove that rosemary does indeed stimulate brain activity. The plant appears in different forms depending on where it grows which has an effect on the chemotype. If it has the cineole chemotype, it’s great to expand the lungs, circulation, and respiratory system

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