What are the MyCAA Requirements in 2021?

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Every year, families struggle to pay the price of college tuition. To help our students cover the costs, ICOHS College has decided to become a participating member of the My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship Program. Keep scrolling to learn more about career training options, MyCAA requirements, eligibility, and approved programs.


What is the Military Spouse Career Advancement Account Program?

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MyCAA refers to a workforce development program targeted towards military spouses of active duty service members. Approved individuals will receive up to $4,000 in financial assistance for career training. Those funds may extend to licenses, certifications, national tests, or associate degrees needed to pursue an occupation or career field.

Related: How does MyCAA work?

Am I eligible for MyCAA?

MyCAA requirements state that only spouses of active-duty Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, or National Guard/ARG service members in pay grades E-1 to E-5, O-1 to O-2, and W-1 to W-2 are eligible for financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Defense. In addition, the MyCAA Scholarship helps eligible spouses qualify for portable career fields across the United States.

Who is not eligible for MyCAA?

MyCAA benefits may not be applied to individuals who fit the following descriptions:

  • Married to service members in pay grades E-6 and above, W-3 and above, and O-3 and above.
  • Members of the armed forces currently on Title 10 orders
  • Married but legally separated (or under a court order or statute of any state or U.S. territory) from a member of the armed forces on Title 10 orders
  • Married to a National Guard/reserve component military sponsor in a Warning Orders/Alert, Post Deployment/ Demobilization or Transition Status
  • Coast Guard spouses

The MyCAA program does not cover costs associated with the following:

  • Coursework completed in pursuit of a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree
  • Coursework that doesn’t lead to a certification or license
  • Interdisciplinary associate degrees with no concentration
  • Associate of arts, general studies, liberal arts, health sciences, and social sciences
  • Personal enrichment courses that are not listed in an approved My Career Advancement Account Spouse Education and Training Plan
  • Courses that have already begun or are already completed
  • Course extensions
  • Courses, tests, or fees typically paid for by an employer as part of a job training program
  • Non-Academic credit and ungraded courses
  • Repeated courses
  • Courses that are not included in the spouse’s Education and Training Plan
  • Study abroad programs, excluding those offered by participating MyCAA schools on overseas military installations
  • Private licenses such as a pilot’s license used for recreational purposes
  • High School or GED programs, including
  • Courses completed at an institution not listed in the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Portal
  • ESL courses
  • Internships that do not lead to a credential required for employment
  • Books, supplies, equipment, uniforms, computers, and electronic devices
  • Registration fees
  • Student activities, events, and entertainment
  • Reimbursements
  • Prepayments or deposits for future courses
  • College-level entrance examinations, comprehensive exams, and related preparatory courses
  • Transportation, lodging, child care, and medical services

How can eligible military spouses apply for MyCAA?

To receive funds from the My Career Advancement Account, you must create an account on the MyCAA website. Once the account is approved, you’ll be able to search for career fields and compare programs.

Once you find a school that provides career training in your desired field, you can begin work on your Education and Training Plan. Career coaches are available to help if needed. You can also work with your selected school’s advisor to complete the application process. Then, you will be able to send in your application.

MyCAA Eligibility and career choices

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MyCAA-approved career fields are as follows:

  • Aerospace
  • Animal Services
  • Automotive Services & Transportation
  • Business, Finance & Administration
  • Construction
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Health & Human Services
  • Homeland Security
  • Hospitality
  • Information Technology
  • Legal

Popular job titles obtained by MyCAA graduates include aircraft electrical engineer, animal control officer, diesel engine specialist, administrative assistant, comptroller, carpenter, electrician, child care worker, energy specialist, dental hygienist, computer software engineer, nail technician, legal secretary, and more.

Positions associated with Information Technology have become particularly popular among students. As demand for information security increases, job opportunities will grow. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the field will grow by a staggering 31% over the next ten years.

Create your education and training plan

Connect with a career coach or employment readiness staff to create your Education Training Plan. They will help you identify all potential courses as it applies to your specific career training program. Once submitted, no edits or changes are possible.

School generated documents must include the following details:

  • Student’s Name
  • School or Organization Contact Information -Correct name of the school and campus location, address, website, phone number
  • The program name as listed in the school or organization’s course catalog
  • Program Type (see guidance below on acceptable program types)
  • Detail of all required education – All courses (or the block of study)
Note: Only programs listed in the Education and Training Plan will be approved for MyCAA funding. It is generally recommended that spouses include the program duration or estimated start and completion dates of degree, certificate, or license courses in their plan.

Information pertaining to specific program types are listed below:

Associate’s Degrees

  1. Degree concentration must not involve General Studies or Liberal Arts
  2. Spouses must list all course titles & codes
  3. Plans should not include classes the spouse has already registered for and any transfer credits
  4. It is recommended that applicants include all credit hour charges or break down of all tuition and fees or link to the school’s website with tuition charges


  1. List all courses, blocks of study, modules, topics, or program outline
  2. Program and/or course codes issued by the school
  3. All “self-paced” programs will need to clearly list the longest recommended duration for completion
  4. We strongly recommend students include the cost of tuition or a breakdown of all charges and/or certificate duration


  1. These E&TP are for tests/exams only
  2. Name of the license (i.e. CPA license)
  3. An indication if the license will require additional study
  4. Cost of test fee or a breakdown of all charges
  5. CEUs to maintain a standing license or certification must identify the specific classes and must be accompanied by a valid license

Spouses will receive a notice in their MyCAA Account Message Box when their plan is approved. This process may take up to 14 calendar days.


How long does it take for MyCAA to approve?

MyCAA funds will only be delivered to pre-approved institutions. Spouses can also encourage their chosen schools to apply for the MyCAA program. This process may take up to 60 days to complete. Approval is not guaranteed.

What certifications can I get through MyCAA?

The MyCAA program can help pay for certifications related to the following fields:

  • Aerospace
  • Animal Services
  • Automotive Services & Transportation
  • Business, Finance & Administration
  • Construction
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Health & Human Services
  • Homeland Security
  • Hospitality
  • Information Technology
  • Legal

When can I use MyCAA?

MyCAA funds can be applied to education leading to an associate degree. MyCAA does not fund higher-level degrees, except for graduate-level courses required for Continuing Education Units (CEU) that have been approved and incorporated into the spouse’s education and training plan.

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